Executive Director Tammie Sweet and Community Engagement Manager Melissa Sileo
Photo By betsy barfield photography
GrowFL is driven by one goal: To cultivate second-stage growth companies across the state. As Florida’s only organization exclusively dedicated to the support and acceleration of the development of these companies — defined as those with at least 10-99 employees, $1 million to $50 million in revenue and the intent and desire to grow — the Orlando-based organization provides CEOs with focused, efficient and timely access to important resources.
Specifically, through diverse programs that include a System for Integrated Growth, CEO Roundtables and Leadership Institutes, GrowFL offers proven methods to help overcome challenges that face second-stage companies as they grow.
“GrowFL was officially formed in November 2009 as a part of the University of Central Florida (which housed us),” explains Executive Director Tammie Sweet. “It spun out in June 2021 and is now a nonprofit 501(c)(3).”
Sweet, 55, joined GrowFL in 2011, left in 2021 and returned in March. A Naples, Fla. resident, she and those in the organization — comprised of a network of trusted advisors of CEOs and business owners who contribute financially and volunteer their time — all work remotely.
“The majority of second-stage businesses experience long-term, steady growth, then they plateau,” Sweet points out. “The CEO has to figure out how to get past that and position the company for growth, whether it be through peer learning or specific services addressing sales and marketing.”
One successful motivational awards program, “GrowFL Florida Companies to Watch,” was developed by the Edward Lowe Foundation in 2011 to recognize 50 companies across Florida for past growth, future growth, community contributions and innovation. Each company can only win the recognition award once.
“The program was held in February 2024 and we’re in the nomination process now for the 14th Annual GrowFL Companies to Watch for 2025,” Sweet adds. “We reach out to economic development agencies, Chambers of Commerce, business corporations and other community partners for their input.”
Companies recognized this year include ARM Services, Charter Research, Continuum Health IT, Cromulence, BlueWind Technology in Composites, Grace Aerospace and Martin Aquatic.
Because GrowFL is now its own nonprofit, its objective is to expand its network of second-stage businesses, Sweet says.
“Three things that we’re focusing on for GrowFL are amplifying our CEO impact, fostering our trusted advisor network and ensuring long-term sustainability.”
For more information or to support GrowFL, call 407-498-5323 or visit growfl.com.