Easter is one of those holidays that doesn’t always fall on the same day. It can be anywhere from March 22 to April 25. This year it’s on April 9. Fun fact, the most unusual date for Easter on is March 24, averaging one year in every 210, while second place goes to April 25, averaging one year in every 133.
For many, however, Easter is just one day in what is known as Holy Week. In Roman Catholic tradition, Holy Week or Passion Week is the last week of Lent, which this year is April 2-8. The week is marked by parades and processions in various parts of the world. In Latin America, Holy Week is known as “Semana Santa” and is one of the most important weeks of the year as it marks the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Mexico, there are solemn celebrations in many cities, but it’s also a time for the beach and Mazatlán offers one of the biggest beach parties. So, if big crowds are not your thing, steer clear. Germans celebrate “der Osterhase” (the Easter Bunny) — they believe a rabbit would lay colorful eggs as gifts to good children. Instead of cookies for Santa, the children leave carrots in case the hare gets hungry. Jerusalem, where Jesus lived, celebrates with a Palm Sunday parade during which thousands arrive and follow in, what is believed to be, his footsteps to where many believed he was buried and rose from the dead.