Alzheimer Association's Caregiver Support Group, HYBRID (virtual & in-person).

Alzheimer's Association
AA LOGO with 800# 200x200
Alzheimer Association's logo
Support groups create a safe, confidential, supportive environment or community and a chance for participants to develop informal mutual support and social relationships. They also educate and inform participants about dementia and help participants develop methods and skills to solve problems.
This Support Group is available online or may be attended in-person at the following
John Knox Village
651 SW 6th Street
Pompano Beach
Schedule: First & Third Saturdays of every month.
Start Date: 9.21.24
Until: 8.16.25
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM.
To register or for questions, please call the Alzheimer Association's 24X7 Help Desk at 800.272.3900.