A Safe Refuge For Children

Together With HomeSafe, Jayne Malfitano Helps South Florida’s Most Vulnerable


As the former chair of the Junior League of Boca Raton’s Guardian Ad Litem program, Jayne Malfitano identified a lack of available foster homes for children in need and decided to take action. “We saw the need of children coming through that program, and so we went back to the Junior League and said to them, ‘We really should think about having a home in Boca Raton,’” recalls Malfitano.

That suggestion led to a partnership between the Junior League of Boca Raton and The Children’s Place, now known as HomeSafe, a nonprofit organization providing shelter for abused children in West Palm Beach. Between 1993 and 1994, The Junior League opened a 12-bed shelter for abused children in Boca Raton.

Over the years, HomeSafe’s program expanded, now encompassing five group homes serving 44 at-risk youths. Its residential program provides healthy living and therapeutic services to help these children deal with trauma and build confidence in themselves. The organization also offers SafetyNet, a domestic violence intervention program and has an independent living facility for individuals who have aged out of the foster care program.

While the Junior League of Boca Raton is no longer affiliated with HomeSafe, Malfitano remains involved, directly supporting HomeSafe as President of The Sylvester Family Foundation, her family’s philanthropic organization. In April of 2021, HomeSafe opened the Sylvester Family West Campus, a 12-bedroom therapeutic group home that has helped 29 girls since its inauguration. This new construction marks a significant change for HomeSafe. From now on, all of its residential facilities will be built with private bedrooms and bathrooms.

“It’s important for these children to have that privacy and time to themselves, rather than sharing a room after all of that trauma,” explains Malfitano.

While on a tour with the young women living at the Sylvester Family West Campus, Malfitano was moved by the impact it has had on its residents. “What struck me so much was how proud they were of their new home. You have this amazing feeling that they finally feel happy. It gives you hope that they will go on and do great things,” says Malfitano.

Even though the West Campus is in her family’s name, Malfitano emphasizes that HomeSafe has always been a team effort. “Many other people were so great to support HomeSafe in its early years, and as it’s grown. I’m so touched by all the people who have been a part of it.”

For more information, visit helphomesafe.org.

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