Fall Into Style

Wardrobe Transition, South Florida-style


Though South Florida temperatures might not dip much in autumn, that doesn’t mean our wardrobe has to stay the same year-round. To feel a fall fantasy even in 80-degree weather, we spoke to personal style expert Anne Morrissey of Fort Lauderdale-based Anne Morrissey Style Consulting for a few ways to make this happen. 

Turn Colors

Fall fashion favors deeper hues like burgundy, hunter green, marigold, brown and dark orange, so when autumn arrives, Morrissey says, choose outfits in these colors. But have no fear, you can still enjoy your summer staples — just add them to dark-colored garments, like black or navy pants, for example, instead of white to transition them to fall. This color palette also applies to makeup — for which Morrissey suggests peach and bronze — and jewelry, which can include tones and stones like amber, gold and dark green. 

Accessorize Wisely

You can also add items to your ensemble you might normally exclude in (even) warmer months. Morrissey recommends scarves, but for style and not for warmth — try silk or cotton and drape them across a shoulder instead of wearing them around your neck because you might get too hot. A handbag in a fall hue can also lend itself to seasonal change. She suggests trading summer’s straw satchel for a leather one. Select metallic items from your wardrobe to add flair, because metallics can be worn year-round. 

Shoe Up

“I would be dying to wear boots if it was the right thing, but I tend to go in favor of more closed-toe shoes instead of sandals...but I might still wear my sandals,” Morrissey laughs, wondering if there’s such a thing as a winter sandal because the weather down here is so tricky. Even so, shoes that might not fare well up north can be a fall boon in places like South Florida, particularly open-toe booties or booties that don’t require socks.  

Shop Smart

In the fall and winter, it can be more difficult to find items on the fly in South Florida, given the stock of stores versus the temperature outside, so Morrissey recommends not going shopping at the last minute, or, if you’re shopping online, snatching up your object of choice right away — given the proliferation of online shopping these days, the item you adore could be gone before you know it!

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