No Gym? No Worries

HiiT56 Owner Pam Waddick Shares Tips For Staying In Shape At Home


Gyms are finally open. But despite your desire to exercise those out-of-shape limbs, you may be hesitant to return. Perhaps you are wary about sharing locker rooms, equipment and tight quarters or the kids are learning remotely and you can’t leave for a workout. 

Don’t worry; you don’t have to sacrifice your health if you can’t hit a fitness center. Just get creative ­— for the sake of your overall well-being. “Exercising helps you stay fit and helps your mental health,” says Pam Waddick, owner of the group training studio HiiT56 in Boca Raton. She suggests doing a circuit of five exercises to get your blood flowing and heart rate pumping. “Mix it up every day,” she says. “Target different muscle groups.” 

She shares these tips for staying in shape sans gym. 

Walls and stairs are great tools. 

Lean against the wall (outdoors or indoors) and use it to help you squat. Run up and down the stairs. Use the steps to do big lunges. Or, squat and lift up before you hit the steps.

Use curbs and park benches. 

Those benches on the side of the path aren’t just for sitting. Use them to do triceps dips or pushups, too. Parking lot curbs can help you with bending exercises, says Waddick.

Pull up a chair. 

A chair can help support your squats. Stand over it and lower yourself downward. Then, rise just before your rear touches the seat. Or, use the chair for triceps dips: put your hands behind you on the chair, walk your feet out in front and bend your elbows, slowly going down and back up. Grab a water bottle or two, sit down and do some biceps curls.

Take advantage of your body weight. 

Waddick is a proponent of using your body weight to help you exercise. “You don’t need weights if you’re stuck at home,” she explains. “So many movements can be done with your body alone.” Engage your core by going onto your stomach like Superman and raising your arms up. Do planks. Target your booty with fire hydrants (aka quadruped hip abductions). Strengthen abs with oblique crunches. 

If you don’t have a large ball like those found at the gym, grab a rope from the garage and slam it to the ground.

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