Raring To Read!

Boca Raton Public Library Launches Summer Reading Initiative


Best-selling author, Stephen King said it best: “Books are a uniquely portable magic.”

With that in mind, the Boca Raton Public Library will be launching its summer reading initiative, “Tails and Tales” June 1 through August 31.

The idea is simple: to get kids hooked on reading throughout the summertime. The animal-themed program is meant to inspire all ages to read, and if that is not enough, there are prizes offered as well.

To participate, readers must enroll through the Beanstack mobile app or online. This easy-to-use app tracks the children's reading progress, enabling readers to earn virtual badges as they advance through the program levels. Prizes include puzzles, growth charts and a plush alligator for the younger kids as well as a chance to enter a giveaway for tickets to the Palm Beach Zoo or Animal EDventure Park. Tweens and teens can win a karaoke USB portable mic or a wireless Bluetooth speaker.

Adults are also encouraged to participate and will be eligible for an end-of-summer drawing for book lovers’ gift sets.

“Our Summer Reading program offers all ages some fun prize incentives to encourage them to read throughout the summer,” notes Amanda Liebl, Events & Community Engagement Coordinator. “This year, more than any other, our youth have fought hard to make academic gains while in a pandemic. Our goal is for children and teens to keep reading during the break as a proven way to stop the ‘summer slide’ when those academic gains made during the school year are lost during the summer. Our experienced library team is here to help by providing reading recommendations for students at all reading levels, from preschool through high school.”

Participants can choose whatever books they’d like and, for those unsure of where to begin, the Boca Raton Public Library has staff-curated reading lists that serve as a fantastic starting point. For more information on the program, click here or email Oyuki Poletz at opoletz@ci.boca-raton.fl.us.

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