During 2022-2023, the women of Impact 100 Palm Beach County (PBC) contributed $804,000 in grants to local nonprofit partners for funding valuable projects in the community.
Impact 100 PBC members create lasting impact by funding grants that will change the lives of teenagers who want to express themselves through music and digital arts, provide people experiencing homelessness with a private place to shower, help young disabled adults find their place in society, soothe the hearts of grieving children, connect families in need, repurpose usable goods that would otherwise be in landfills, teach children to love reading and prepare them with skills to do better in school and address food insecurity and job training in underserved communities.
Since its inception 12 years ago, Impact 100 PBC has funded $6,056,000 in grants within southern Palm Beach County. The grants meet diverse needs in our community and are awarded in five different areas: Arts, Culture & Historic Preservation, Education, Environment & Animal Welfare, Family and Health and Wellness. In total, the women members of Impact 100 PBC have awarded 99 grants to local nonprofit initiatives.
Impact 100 PBC’s Grant Review Committee receives Letters of Intent from nonprofit organizations for the projects and initiatives for which they seek funding. Finalists are selected and members vote to determine who receives funding at the annual Grand Award Celebration. Membership is critical to fund the grants women of Impact 100 PBC make in the local community; for every 100 women who join, a $100,000 grant can be awarded.
To celebrate the beginning of the 2023-2024 giving year, the Fall Kickoff event is planned at Neiman Marcus on Oct. 19.
The Boca Raton Observer is the exclusive media sponsor.
For more information, visit impact100pbc.org.