Comprehensive Alcoholism Rehabilitation Programs (CARP) has resumed its original mission, to offer transitional housing and a program for recovery to underserved individuals suffering from substance use disorder (SUD). CARP has built two gender-specific 12 Step homes in West Palm Beach. Our goal is to help break the cycle of hopeless addiction, dependency and resulting homelessness among Palm Beach County’s economically vulnerable residents – individuals who otherwise would not have access to programs of recovery. Our program is free to those who qualify.
CARP residences use an abstinence-based, peer support model proven to be effective against addiction. Each resident commits to a 90-day, substance-free program, and practices living a life of recovery embodied in the 12 Steps. CARP programs empower individuals so that they may help each other develop the spiritual skills needed to live substance-free lives. Our experienced staff and passionate volunteers provide a powerful example of spiritual principles in daily life. Supervisors, who are on-site 24 hours each day, ensure that all residents participate — and develop a strong support network.
The activities in the CARP program curriculum emphasize a commitment to an abstinent way of life that is sustainable beyond each client’s stay at CARP. As individuals enter the program, they will be required to comply with a daily routine that reinforces behaviors associated with positive outcomes and lasting sobriety. Through daily 12 Step meetings, workshops, video presentations, group discussions, and meetings with sponsors, individuals at CARP support one another in exploring the attitudes, behaviors and coping skills needed to build a foundation for long-term recovery.
All admissions require an interview. For more information, kindly call us at 561.844.6400.