Barbara Leventhal
Barbara Leventhal Helps Students Navigate The Path To College Admission
When Barbara Leventhal of Educonsulting heard that Home Depot had contacted her 16-year-old client to support his hurricane preparedness project, Boca Buckets, she was thrilled. She knew that college admissions officers would be impressed. Under her guidance, many high school students have used their interests to develop high-impact projects that stand out on college applications.
“That’s a great example of what colleges are looking for today: passion, talent, initiative and impact,” Leventhal says. “Admissions officers want to see students challenge themselves, demonstrate a strong work ethic and strive to be the best they can be.”
As the founder of Educonsulting, she brings more than 30 years of experience as a teacher, school administrator and counselor to her college advisory practice.
“Every parent takes pride in the special qualities of their children,” she says. “My role is to help define those qualities and channel them in unique ways that tell a compelling story for college admissions.”
For example, at Leventhal’s suggestion, a Boca Raton sophomore attended a summer debate program at Harvard, came home and reinvigorated his school’s debate club. The next summer, he went to a debate program for future trial lawyers.
She has several tips to help students and parents begin the college planning process.
“A great time to start working with an educational consultant is in eighth grade before the student enters high school,” she says. “That’s because achievements can be planned and accumulated over the four years of high school.”
Colleges today are looking for students who have developed a particular interest or talent in addition to academic credentials, she adds: “They are scouting for interesting individuals from diverse backgrounds to contribute to their institutions and become successful alumni.”
Leventhal also encourages parents and students to “focus on [their] values and the impact of [their] activities. That can be the heart of a truly compelling college application.”
Educonsulting is located in Boca Raton. For more information, call 305-469-0365 or visit
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