Plans are underway for The OPAL Awards Gala on Jan. 19 at Boca West Country Club in Boca Raton.
The goal of this annual event is to help high- achieving, underprivileged students attend top colleges and establish successful careers.
OPAL, which stands for Outstanding People and Leaders, honors citizens from Boca Raton who have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to serve the city through philanthropic, professional leadership, educational, civic, community and medical service endeavors.
As past honoree Bill Mitchell says: "I was honored to receive this special award, but the real honor to me is to be able to participate in The OPAL Awards and help provide scholarships to students."
Over the years, as a result of the generosity of the honorees, guests and participants, OPAL has raised more than $1.2 million. And more than 300 local students have received scholarships and were able to pursue careers of their choice. Most of those students were mentored by Rotarians to direct them toward achieving their goals.
The Rotarians believe that helping and giving is part of human nature. The group's objective is to encourage local individuals who are willing to donate their time and talent, share its mission of "Changing Lives and Building Futures" and have the desire to make a difference in the world.
The Boca Raton Observer is the event's exclusive magazine sponsor. O
For more information, email info@rotaryclubbocaraton.com or visit rotaryclubbocaraton.com.