Whether students are going back to school virtually, in person or both due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Junior Achievement of South Florida (JASF) is helping those who need it most start the school year prepared.
Recently, JASF distributed backpacks filled with age-appropriate financial education materials, books, healthcare information, snacks and other relevant items to bring youth financial literacy education into the homes of underserved children and families this school year.
The Books, Bucks and Backpacks distribution took place at the JA World Huizenga Center at the Lillian S. Wells Pavilion in Fort Lauderdale. The backpacks were provided to children ages 3 to 11 years old.
For the Books, Bucks And Backpacks event, JASF partnered with the Early Learning Coalition and other nonprofits who serve families in need. Farm Share, Inc., was onsite to provide fresh fruit to families registered to pick up backpacks.
JASF frequently teams up with community and corporate partners, individuals and foundations who believe that financial literacy is critical to the success, future and health of our children, families and local economy. The nonprofit serves 50,000 students in Broward and South Palm Beach counties each year with the help of 7,000 trained volunteers. O
For more information, visit jasouthflorida.org.