Front row - Gloria Wank, Priti Kothari, Elaine Tai Lauria, Jon Kaye, Janice Williams, Kim Champion, Marilyn Wilson, Arlene Herson and Allen Konis. Second row - Bruce Spizler, Bob Tucker, Maurice Plough Jr., Alan Kaye, Barry Siegel and Jeff Weber
Healthcare providers were celebrated at the 26th Anniversary “Honor Your Doctor” Luncheon (HYDL) presented by the Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton Fund (RCDBR). The luncheon, held a few days before National Doctors’ Day, was attended by more than 250 guests on March 27 at Boca West Country Club.
The 2024 “Doctor of Distinction” (DOD) was awarded to Dr. Eli Cohen of Cohen Center Dermatology & Cosmetics in Boca Raton/Delray Beach. Cohen was presented with a gold DOD lapel pin designed by Rotarian Shaheer Hosh of Cristino Fine Jewelry and an original proclamation from the Mayor of the City of Boca Raton that declared Dr. Eli Cohen Day. Receiving the second largest number of nominations was Boca Raton neurologist Dr. Patricio Sebastian Espinosa, who was presented a silver DOD lapel pin, also designed by Shaheer Hosh of Cristino Fine Jewelry.
Annually, funds from HYDL are primarily raised through donations and nominations made by patients and staff; corporate and philanthropist sponsorships; ticket sales and “Chance to Win” purchases sold at the event. Additionally, this year’s “bid for the heart” raised $70,000.
Proceeds have helped fund medical and nursing school scholarships presented by the Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton Fund for Palm Beach County eligible students enrolled in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine and Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University, Lynn University, Palm Beach State College, University of Florida, Florida State University and University of Central Florida.
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