Jon Carter, Janice Williams, Phillip Oranburg, Helen Babione, Alan Kaye and Scott Singer
Double honors and appreciation for their expertise, patient care and dedication to the Hippocratic Oath during the historically challenging pandemic years 2020 and 2021, Palm Beach County’s finest healthcare providers were celebrated at the 24th Annual “Honor Your Doctor” Luncheon (HYDL).
Presented by the Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton (RCDBR), the award lunch attended by 250 guests was held on “National Doctors Day” March 30 at Boca West Country Club.
In appreciation, each nominated doctor received a crystal globe on an engraved pedestal with their name. Receiving the most number of nominations this year, Dr. Philip Oranburg was recognized as the 2022 “Doctor of Distinction” and Boca Raton Mayor Scott Singer declared it “Dr. Philip Oranburg Day” in the city. Dr. Barry Davis was honored as Doctor of Distinction in 2020 and 2021, however due to Covid-19 there was no luncheon presentation.
Funds from HYDL which was founded by Helen M. Babione 24 years ago, are primarily raised in four ways. These include donation nominations made by patients and staff of their favorite doctors, nurses and medical professionals who attend the luncheon as honored guests of the Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton; corporate and philanthropist sponsorships; ticket sales and “Chance to Win” purchases sold at the event.
Proceeds help fund medical and nursing school scholarships presented by the Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton for eligible students enrolled in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine and Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University, Lynn University and Palm Beach State College.
For more information on “health and wellness” fundraising initiatives and membership, visit rotarydowntownbocaraton.org.