Mindy Kaling, one of the most inspiring women in Hollywood, once said, “If you don’t see a clear path for what you want, sometimes you have to make it yourself.”
I believe there is so much truth and wisdom to this comment, especially as we usher in the new year (how on earth are we in 2024 already, weren’t we just “partying like it’s 1999?”).
With the craziness of the holidays behind us, January is the opportune month to focus on ourselves — physically, mentally and spiritually. Which is why I love this issue’s theme of Health & Fitness and why I’m ecstatic to share with you these stories about amazing transformations.
I’ve been a fan of actress Ashley Judd since her 90’s films (“Ruby In Paradise” was on my top ten list back in the day), so featuring her on this month’s cover is such a thrill. In “A Tale Of Triumph” (page 60), Judd shares her remarkable career journey and speaks candidly of her family’s personal struggle with mental health issues, including her mother Naomi Judd’s suicide in 2022. As a mental health advocate, Judd’s personal apperance as keynote speaker at the Ruth & Norman Rales JFS Reflections of Hope 2024 on Feb. 13 at Boca West Country Club in Boca Raton, (an event we are proud to be the exclusive media sponsors of), is a significant honor.
From there we explore the crucial topic of sleep, or more precisely, the depletion of it, in our story “In Search Of Slumber” (page 66). With about one in four American adults battling insomnia annually, this piece delves into the quest for quality sleep. As a night owl who’s usually up at odd hours, I found the article to have some great tips and insights.
Solomon Thomas, NFL defensive lineman for the New York Jets, opens up about his family’s journey with mental health issues, from his sister’s suicide to his own struggles dealing with the tragedy that sparked his mission to combat youth suicide and depression, in “Breaking The Silence” (page 72).
We end on a note all of us can relate to: trying to decipher the cryptic ingredients on food labels. “Label Literacy” (page 78) tackles the true meaning of terms like “sugar-free” and “light” and provides much-needed guidance on what to look for — and avoid — when perusing the grocery shelves overflowing with tempting (but possibly deceiving) products.
Lastly, allow me to share that on Dec. 14 one of my dreams came true when our Special 20-Year Anniversary Issue appeared on the Times Square marquee in Manhattan. As a native New Yorker, I walked past that iconic location more times than I can count. I can’t help but think of Frank Sinatra’s famous lyrics, “If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere,” and fill up with pride.
Like Mindy, I believe in the power of forging one’s path. This belief has never steered me wrong. This issue is a fantastic start to the year, and if it’s any indication of what 2024 holds, I’m brimming with excitement for the journey that lies ahead.
Here’s to new, healthier beginnings ... the best is yet to come. We only have one life to live, so let’s make it matter.
Linda L. Behmoiras

ABC’s GMA3 marquee on Dec. 14, 2023