Most parents can tell you how frustrating it is trying to get a picky child to eat.
Boca Raton mom Jamie Oberweger's son drank milk, but the rest of his diet consisted of carbs, carbs and more carbs.
She tried everything - to no avail. Then, on a trip home from vacation, he saw his older brother eating a peanut butter protein bar, and, thinking it was a yummy snack, he took a bite. And loved it.
That gave Oberweger, who has a background in brand management, advertising and media, an idea. She decided to launch a company featuring gluten-free, preservative-free, nutrition-packed protein bars that would delight even the most fussy of eaters.
The result? The low-carb Luckybar, with more protein than two large eggs, in Chocolate Campfire, Cosmic Chocolate Caramel Almond, Crazy Coconut, Pirate Peanut Butter Chocolate and Strawberry Sandcastles flavors.
"Luckybars were born from hope and yes a little luck," Oberweger explains on her website. "I know how hard it can be and how stressful it is when you are always worried about if your child is getting enough protein. It's my true joy and privilege to share Luckybars with you and your little ones."
Visit luckybar.com.