The Research Park at Florida Atlantic University is on the cutting-edge of economic initiatives.
Its latest launch: Global Ventures, an international soft-landings and second-stage company-development program.
The venture is designed to help second-stage companies worldwide (those with about $1 million in annual sales who employ at least six people) become profitable and sustainable organizations “that will positively impact South Florida’s economy in line with the mission of the Research Park at FAU,” according to a press release.
“Bringing international companies to Palm Beach County ensures that new capital is infused into our economy and that new ideas are developed here, creating more jobs over the long-term,” says Andrew Duffell, president of the Research Park at FAU, according to a press release.
Global Ventures will begin with a focus on Israel and Brazil, which “have strong business and cultural links to South Florida and have strong tech sectors poised for growth,” according to a press release.
Organizers predict the project will produce new high-paying jobs and internships for FAU students and alumni as well as Palm Beach County residents.
Another bonus, according to the press release: “It will also aid in the development of new technologies and intellectual property, supporting research at FAU and the diversification of South Florida’s economy.”
Visit research-park.org/global-ventures.