One of my favorite and most inspiring poets and memoirists is the remarkable Maya Angelou. Her quote, “Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women,” perfectly encompasses my philosophy and the empowering message resonating throughout this incredible April Women’s Issue.
Let’s start with our amazing cover story “Success On The Sidelines” (page 72) where we discover the unstoppable Erin Andrews. She has ascended to the pinnacle of the male-dominated sports broadcasting world with confidence, grace and undeniable flair. She spoke recently at the YMCA of South Palm Beach County’s Inspiration Breakfast.
Next, we delve into the vital discussion on the evolving state of feminism in our feature “Echoes Of Equality” (page 90). Learn how women’s rights have changed over the decades and where they are headed next. This topic holds significance for both women and men alike, underscoring the importance of dialogue across genders for a more equitable society. As a mother of two adult sons, I look forward to discussing it with them.
This issue is a celebration of women’s progress. Solo travel, once seen as an unlikely pursuit for women, has become a magnificent way to discover oneself and the world. “Adventure Awaits” (page 102) will resonate with every wanderlust-driven woman eager for the next journey.
Speaking of the world, can you name the matriarchal societies that are thriving around the globe? If your mind is drawing a blank, don’t worry, we’ve gathered some of the most interesting ones in our piece, “Where Women Lead” (page 96). Discover how these incredible women lead, nurture and guide their communities, serving as an inspiration to us all.
On a very personal note, I’m so proud to present our Special 20th Anniversary Feature story on five fabulous women in our very own community making a difference here and around the globe. “Leading With Heart” (page 78) is a testament to the dedication, passion and hard work these wonderful women — Christine E. Lynn, Kelly Smallridge, Marla Weiss Egers, Meghan Shea and Dr. Stacy Volnick — have done to better our community. I am fortunate to know each and every one of them, and honored to call them friends. I can’t wait to share their accomplishments with you.
I’d like to end with one final quote from another great woman, Margaret Thatcher, who wisely proclaimed, “Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.” In an era overwhelmed with constant communication, it can be easy to blend in. It takes true strength, character and discipline — qualities I know you have in you — to stand out and shine as your best self.
I hope the stories within these pages inspire you!
For those celebrating, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you a very joyful Easter and Passover.
Always stay true to yourself,
Linda L. Behmoiras