ADL Fighting Hate From Home Webinar: Addressing Antisemitism In The Shadow Of COVID-19
Online Boca Raton, Florida
Fighting Hate From Home
Join ADL for a Fighting Hate From Home webinar: ‘Viruses and Violence: Addressing Antisemitism in the Shadow of COVID-19’
On Thursday, April 30
2:30 PM ET / 1:30 PM CT / 12:30 MT / 11:30 AM PT
Featuring Guest Speakers:
Deborah Lipstadt
Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University. Lipstadt, an American historian, is the author of many books, including History on Trial (Denial) and Antisemitism: Here and Now.
Professor of American Jewish History and Director of the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies at Brandeis University. Sarna is one of the most prominent contemporary historians of American Judaism. His books include American Judaism: A History and Lincoln and the Jews.Jonathan Sarna
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You can send questions to our experts in the webinar’s chat tool. All registrants will be emailed a link to the recording to re-watch and share.