Oil Painting 101
Creative Arts School at Old School Square 51 N. Swinton Ave., City of Delray Beach, Florida 33461
Old School Square
Oil Painting 101
Instructor: Beth Sloat
Are you new at painting in oils? Do you want to learn new methods or break old habits? Then this class is for you! The oil paint medium is versatile, challenging and rewarding. With an initial focus on representational painting from life, each painting will apply basic skills —drawing, composition, canvas preparation and color theory application. Learn about new, eco-friendly materials. Daily demonstrations, discussions of master artists and critiques will guide you to develop an art vocabulary and self-confident painting. Individual guidance at your easel will be offered as you progress toward mastery of the medium and development of your own style.
Monday 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm | All Terms | Fee: T1 $195 5 wk, T2 $195 5 wk, T3 $267 7 wk, T4 $231 6 wk