Picturesque Pastels
Creative Arts School at Old School Square 51 N. Swinton Ave., Delray Beach, Florida 33444
Old School Square
Picturesque Pastels
Instructor: Deborah LaFogg Docherty
Picturesque Pastels covers the use of light and color to make your pastel paintings exciting! Learn to make your pastels show stoppers! This course is for beginners that want to expand their experience with the medium and intermediate pastelists that want to grow their skills. You will paint from a setup and also paint subjects you select. Topics include pastel papers, different types of pastels, how to do under paintings and to work direct.
Tuesday 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm | Term 2, 3, 4
Fee: T2 $231 6 wk, T3 $303 8 wk, T4 $231 6 wk
Wednesday 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm | All Terms
Fee: T1 $159 4 wk, T2 $195 5 wk, T3 $303 8 wk, T4 $231 6 wk