United Way of Broward County's Mayors' Gala
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood 1 Seminole Way, Hollywood, Florida 33314

The “Illuminating Possibilities” themed Gala will spotlight the critical work United Way of Broward County programs that positively impact the community.
The Gala serves as a great opportunity for key influencers and local philanthropists to come together to build a better community.
The evening will include a cocktail reception, silent and live auctions, dinner, entertainment, and a program highlighting how United Way of Broward County fights for the Health, Education, and Financial Prosperity of EVERY person in our community.
All proceeds from the event will benefit United Way of Broward County to help support its mission.
DETAILS: Early Bird Tickets are on sale now for $350 until Thursday, February 16, 2024. Individual tickets are then $450.
To purchase tickets or tables, please visit: https://www.unitedwaybroward.org/event/2024-mayors-gala/
Sponsorships and journal ads are available. For sponsorship information, please email Tony Hopper at thopper@UnitedWayBroward.org.