It’s been called the chalk of the town. And with good reason. The Lake Worth Street Painting Festival — this year on Feb. 26-27 — is a sight to behold.
Artists gather in downtown Lake Worth to display their talents — and unlike a traditional display, you’ll need to look down, not up to experience it.
“See how the pavement becomes canvas and the street becomes a museum for fine works of traditional, contemporary and 3D art. Lasting only until the next rain drops, these masterpieces (made with environmentally-friendly chalk) are a true beauty to behold,” notes a promo for the event. “It’s one of the largest street painting festivals in the country and also offers great food, live music and street performers.”
The 2021 event was canceled due to COVID-19 and organizers are excited to bring back the happening — which draws more than 600 artists — this year. “The artists use the pavement to transform downtown Lake Worth into a temporary outdoor museum of original art and masterpiece reproductions,” notes the website. “As in ages past, crowds gather to watch as fine works of art emerge.”
For more information, visit streetpaintingfestivalinc.org.