Since 1973, the Urban League of Palm Beach County (ULPBC) has been at the forefront of helping African-Americans and other minorities achieve social and economic equality.
Urban League of Palm Beach County is an affiliate of the National Urban League, the largest civil right organization in the country with 88 affiliates in 36 states and the District of Columbia serving 2.7 million people annually.
ULPBC serves over 18,000 clients annually that live at or below the federal poverty line in neighborhoods with low high school graduation rates, high unemployment and underemployment, high crime rates, and one-parent households. We address these challenges by providing educational, self-reliance programs that move individuals and families into the economic mainstream through our four areas of focus: Youth/Education, Housing/Economics, Workforce Development and Health/Wellness.
ULPBC was formed by a group of concerned citizens who believed in furthering the civil rights movement in Palm Beach County and assisting minorities in obtaining social and economic equality. In May 1973, our organization was incorporated in the State of Florida and in 1974 became the 102nd affiliate of the National Urban League.
Today, the majority of the families and children we see on a daily basis live in West Palm Beach, but we also serve individuals in Delray Beach and have locations in Broward County and Miami Dade County.
Since our inception, we have offered stellar programs in the areas of housing counseling, youth development and education, community development, and crime prevention and intervention.
ULPBC has built a reputation for working diligently in the community, and we continuously review our programs to assess current community needs because we always want to better serve our community.