Robert David Fenstersheib
Personal Injury Attorney
For Robert David Fenstersheib of Fenstersheib Law Group, practicing personal injury law is a family businesss.
He goes above and beyond to carry on the legacy of his late father, who began the practice more than 39 years ago. Every client that he and his sister, Stephanie Fenstersheib, who is also a personal injury attorney, meet gets treated with individualized care.
“Our clients are very important to us,” he says. “We treat every case as if they were family because we want them to be heard and to know someone is advocating for their pain.”
Earning his law degree from Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law School, Fenstersheib has experience in insurance law, personal injury and premises liability.
At the Fenstersheib Law Group, Fenstersheib, alongside a team of professional lawyers, handles slip and fall, motor vehicle, including rideshare trucks or semi accidents. Other areas of practice are worker’s compensation claims along with mass torts — which fight the injustices by pharmaceutical companies that produce dangerous drugs and manufacturers of faulty medical devises and products.
Fenstersheib provides accident victims with a way to protect their rights, which can lead to a better outcome and more favorable compensation, verses victims who do not have legal representation.
“We’re called counselors for a reason. It’s my goal to listen first so I can understand every aspect of what the accident victims are going through after being injured. Then we focus on going to bat and negotiating a settlement with the insurance company to get them just compensation for the injuries suffered, due to the negligence of others. The relief on people’s faces when they’re told this information is everything,” says Fenstersheib.
Fenstersheib is personally involved in every case, along with his sister and partner Stephanie. He also gives clients his personal cell number so they can reach him at any time, allowing his clients direct, unfettered access to him.
“Even the smallest cases deserve justice. There’s no exception for Stephanie and I; we review all the cases because we truly want to know the ins and outs of how we can help restore clients’ lives,” he says.
Fenstersheib Law Group, 520 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Hallandale, 954-456-2488, 1-800-TellRobert, TellRobert.com
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