Mitchell Dinnerman and Will Ferrigno
Hurricanes don’t care if you’re prepared. Assurance Power Systems does.
The Delray Beach company sells and services residential and commercial standby generators. It is also a full-service gas company offering propane tank installations, gas piping and appliance installation and gas tankless water heaters. Named the Best Generator Company in America in 2012 by Generac Power Systems, one of the largest generator manufacturers, Assurance Power Systems has the most extensive service staff in all of Florida, with 70 full-time employees, including 20 specially trained technicians who are available whenever needed.
Owners Will Ferrigno and Mitchell Dinnerman founded the company more than 11 years ago after experiencing Hurricane Wilma.
“My wife and I had just built a new house – my twin girls were born just a few weeks before – and my father-in-law convinced me to install a generator system,” explains Ferrigno. “It was great. We had neighbors coming over, and we were the hub of the neighborhood.”
So many people began asking about generators that Ferrigno decided to offer them in hurricane-prone Florida.
“I’m not in the generator business. I’m in the ‘making people safe’ business. That’s Assurance,” he says.
The owners are particularly proud of their company’s Generator Coastal Package, a coating process that protects your investment from the harsh corrosive effects of high-salt concentrations on metal surfaces in our high-heat and high-humidity environment.
“We go to every effort to ensure that our customers are happy and get exactly what they want. And that our people truly care about doing a great job, from our sales staff to our technicians,” Ferrigno says.
Generators are becoming so commonplace, he says, that engineers are now including them in their construction blueprints for high-end smart homes.
“We’re definitely seeing the industry beginning to mature. As we rely more on the new technology and live in smart homes, generators have become more important,” Ferrigno says.
In addition to growing Assurance Power Systems statewide, Ferrigno and Dinnerman are actively managing several national service accounts – and see significant opportunity to increase their efforts in that area.
“We’re also exploring what’s called co-generation systems: industrial systems that provide combined heat and power for large institutions (like universities and hospitals),” Ferrigno explains. “These are basically microturbines that produce power (hot and cold water) within the same system.” O
Assurance Power Systems is located at 1595 S.W. Fourth Ave., Delray Beach. For more information, call 561-886-0470 or visit assurancepower.com.