Kimberly McCarten
Acceptance Is Kimberly McCarten’s Goal
Kimberly McCarten tells the story of a young girl struggling to create her dream board. When asked what she wanted to achieve, the girl said she didn’t know because “I thought I wasn’t supposed to be anything.”
“That hit us right to the core,” says McCarten, who took over as CEO of The Arc of Palm Beach County four years ago. “We should have expectations for people with disabilities; they absolutely can do things.”
Celebrating its 60th anniversary, The Arc of Palm Beach County serves 2,800 children and adults with all levels of disabilities through a variety of programs and services. McCarten, who spent many years in public relations and then as director of advancement at The Arc before becoming CEO, recognized the need to change the conversation.
“The 13 programs we offer is what we do, but talking about acceptance is our goal and our role in the community,” she says.
Services for adults include 24/7 residential housing, employment training and career transition. Services for children include recreational activities, early intervention and educational programs. Respite and family services are available for those caring for individuals with disabilities.
When McCarten took the helm, the agency had a $4.7 million budget. Since then, the budget has essentially doubled, to $8.4 million. Programs and services have been added, efficiencies have been honed and partnerships within the community have been forged.
Now, her newest project is taking shape at the Research Park at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. With a lead grant from philanthropist and global footwear giant Bobby Campbell, The Arc is creating a space that will include a full art gallery with works made by people with disabilities, along with a job training center focusing on hospitality.
“It’s going to be, for us, the most exciting thing we have ever done because we are creating a public space that invites people in our community into the world of people with disabilities,” McCarten says.
The Arc of Palm Beach County is located at 1201 Australian Ave., Riviera Beach. For more information, call 561-842-3213 or visit
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