South Florida Mediation Services

Deborah Beylus - Power Player 2021

Deborah Beylus

Divorce Mediation 

In Florida, if you are going through a divorce, whether you have an attorney representing you or not, chances are you’ll end up in mediation. In fact, like 95% of all Florida divorces, your case will most likely settle in mediation and never go to trial. Even if you file for divorce on your own, courts will almost always send you to mediation.

Unlike a judge, a mediator is not a decision maker. Instead the mediator provides impartial support and guidance to both spouses. The mediator helps identify issues, offers information, and facilitates discussion so that the parties themselves can decide their best course of action. Mediation provides a forum for negotiation, giving spouses a chance to seek win-win or alternative resolutions that benefit everyone involved. On the flip side, litigation, while sometimes necessary, is a win-lose proposition. There can only be one “winner” at trial and the loser might be you!

This is where Deborah Beylus comes in. She owns Boca Raton-based South Florida Mediation Services, providing divorce mediation and financial support to couples with and without attorneys. She is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, specializing in financial matters unique to divorce. Beylus has a unique background and over 30 years of financial industry experience. “If marriage is all about love, divorce is all about money. Divorce is the largest financial transaction a couple will make in a lifetime. Divorce can be financially complicated, finance is not usually taught in law school and so many lawyers welcome the financial guidance,” she says.

Born and raised in New York, Beylus has lived in South Florida for over 25 years. “I realized going through my own divorce that court is not the best place to settle,” she says. The greatest benefit to divorce mediation is that it allows the parties to resolve their case without involving a judge. Beylus is committed to helping couples avoid trial, knowing that anything that can be decided by a judge can be resolved through mediation. “And mediation is almost always a better option,” she says.

South Florida Mediation Services, 301 Yamato Road, Ste. 4110, Boca Raton, FL 33431, 561-789-0710,

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